From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook Feb 2000:


from Metro Maryland; via Worcester (MA) New Diversions

Folliculitis is an inflammation of hair follicles. It is usually caused by traumatic hair removal, for example, hair under the pouch skin barrier is pulled out when the skin barrier is removed. Prevention is the key to managing skin complications, so, in this case, you should use an electric razor or scissors to clip the hair.

If folliculitis does occur, it can sometimes be confused with a yeast infection. The skin under the faceplate or wafer is red and small pustules may appear. On close inspection, though, in folliculitis these pustules will be seen only at the hair follicles. Treatment includes modifying the shaving and the pouch removal method as needed to prevent further damage. Usually the use of a skin protective powder will permit the skin to heal. In a few cases, an antibiotic powder (prescribed by your physician) may be required. As with other skin complications, your ET nurse can provide you with help in identifying and treating the problem.

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