via Jamestown (NY) Ostomy Newsletter
To do your part, you can:
Run for office, rather than waiting to see who is elected;
Assist with activities, rather than just praising (or criticizing)
the results;
Become a visitor, rather than just remembering how helpful your
visitor was to you;
Submit questions and/or suggestions, rather than wondering if
anyone else thought of it;
Come to the meetings, rather than just reading the newsletter;
Suggest a program topic, rather than discussing how uninteresting
the meeting was;
Volunteer to help with an exhibit, meeting or social function;
Talk to a new member, rather than wondering who that shy,
embarrassed person is there in the corner;
Bring a new member if you know of an ostomate who doesn't know
about us.
This group belongs to each of you, not a handful of members, or
medical advisors, or equipment suppliers. If it thrives and grows, it will
be because of each and every one of you!