From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook April 2002:

Ten Commandments for the New Ostomate

by Ron Bartlett, March 2002, Halton-Peel (ON) Newsletter

Editor's Note: This is a brand-new article, written by Ron Bartlett of UOA Canada, not to be confused with a much older article of the same name which has circulated in numerous UOA Chapter newsletters, and appeared in this newsletter in Sept 1997.

  1. Thou shalt not take out thy feelings of anger and frustration on thy spouse/significant other or family.
  2. Thou shalt not demand special consideration. Thy ostomy doth not make thee an invalid or render thee disabled.
  3. Thou shalt remember to use a deodorizer in the bathroom after thou has emptied thy pouch.
  4. Remember that thy family needs thy love and affection just as thee needs theirs.
  5. Honour thy E.T. She/he is your friend in need.
  6. Thou shalt not be ashamed of thy ostomy, it may have saved thy life.
  7. Thou shalt be ready at all times to help others as others have helped thee.
  8. Thou shalt not feel sorry for thyself, instead thou shalt give thanks for a new lease on life.
  9. Thou shalt remember at all times that thy partner in life suffers with thee and thou shalt not add to their suffering.
  10. Above all thou shalt give thanks for a new life and freedom from pain.

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