From North Central Oklahoma Ostomy Outlook February 2007:
Ten (new) Commandments for Ostomates
from Houston (TX) Ostomy Association
- Thou shalt allow thyself to be sad, or angry, or depressed on occasion. Who said you always have to have a good attitude.
- Thou shalt not let the above emotions become a way of life.
- Thou shalt seek help, education, and support if thine unhappy emotions overcome thee.
- Thou shalt learn to care for thy ostomy. Letting others do it for you, if you are physically able, is a cop-out.
- Thou shalt seek out thy WOC (ET) nurse if thou art not satisfied with thine products.
- Thou shalt not hide thyself away. Get out and do the things you used to do. You can.
- Thou shalt not be ashamed.
- Thou shalt cultivate a sense of humor about thine ostomy. There are worse things. Far worse.
- Thou shalt set an example to the non-ostomy world. An example of triumph over adversity, courage over pity, and pride over embarrassment.
- Thou shalt help other ostomates. Join your local UOAA group, donate money, volunteer your time.
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This page last revised 2007-02-06
This article appeared in the North Central Oklahoma newsletter Ostomy Outlook.
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