From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook Feb 1997:

One Trap to Avoid

from Metro Wash By-Pass, via Tulsa (OK) NEWSLETTER

One trap we must avoid is to let our whole life revolve around our ostomy. Preoccupation with managing an ostomy can sometimes make us fail to realize how unimportant it is to other people. Our families and friends are only concerned that we join them again in our usual activities of work and play. Surely, we have problems, but people without ostomies have elimination problems at times, and if we think back we can remember when we had more than our share. Now we can enjoy a freedom not possible before our operation. We will continue to have upsets from time to time, but so do those who never had an ostomy. Our own experience together with the shared knowledge of our fellow chapter members and the advice of our doctors and ETs will always see us through these infrequent and unpleasant episodes.

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Content last revised 1997-02-15