From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook November 1997:

Ileostomy Hints

from Metro Maryland; via Lawton-Fort Sill (OK) UOA Chapter

Don't fast - fasting can lead to serious electrolyte imbalances, even when adequate fluid intake is maintained

Don't limit fluid intake - ileostomates are always slightly dehydrated due to the constant outflow of fluids so that maintaining fluid intake at all times is a must.

Don't eliminate salt from your diet - salt is also lost with the fluid outflow. Even those with high blood pressure should not eliminate salt altogether. Consult your doctor for your recommended salt intake when other physical problems are a consideration.

Don't allow anything to be put in your stoma - without your own doctor's personal supervision. Doctors have sometimes given incorrect routine orders in hospitals for enemas, etc. Question any procedure that intrudes upon the stoma, including suppositories.

Before filling new prescriptions, be sure to ask your pharmacist whether or not it will dissolve in the stomach quickly. Coated and timed release medications will not be absorbed and will pass through without benefit. If in doubt, purchase only six (6) pills and try them before getting the rest of the prescription. Women should be especially alert when taking birth control or estrogen replacement medications.

Have your doctor check your B-12 level whenever you have a blood test taken. Some ileostomates with short bowels may require B-12 injections when they do not absorb enough of the vitamin.

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Content last revised 1997-11-01