Paste Brand names available: Coloplast; ConvaTec (Stomahesive); Hollister (Premium, Hollihesive and Karaya pastes). This ostomy product is often misused and, it could be argued, misnamed. Pastes should not be used as adhesives. The purpose of paste is to fill in any uneven areas on the skin under the wafer to make the area level, which will help to gain a good seal to the wafer. A second purpose is use as a caulking material around the base of the stoma to keep discharge from leaking at the base and getting under the wafer. All of the pastes contain alcohol and therefore will sting some when applied to irritated skin. This stinging will subside as the alcohol evaporates. If filling in deeper depressions in the skin surface, it will be better to layer the paste, allowing a few seconds (30 or so) between each application to allow the paste to set up. Caution!--and a Practical Tip: Be sure to use a dampened, but not quite dripping wet whatever you use to tap the paste into place--washcloth, tissue, cotton balls, your finger. Else you will have the paste all over everything within reach. At this point, paste becomes a cement which attaches to anything dry and you become frustrated. Been there? Done that? Recap the paste tube immediately after use to prevent it from drying out.