From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook Nov 1998:

Why Do You Come?

from Metro Maryland; via South Brevard (FL) OSTOMY NEWSLETTER

  1. Our presence is encouragement to others.
  2. No matter how long ago your surgery, no matter how many meetings you have attended, there's always information to be gained.
  3. Keep up on newer developments and hear the speakers who are invited with information pertinent to ostomates.
  4. We may have questions and problems that can be asked and answered at the meeting or researched.
  5. Give support and encouragement to the volunteers (leaders and trained visitors) and to each other.
  6. Be role models for new ostomates to show an active life can continue.
  7. See that many of those who were in trouble are now helping others.
  8. Learn what's new in management equipment.
  9. Feel good with our peer support group.
  10. Experience a sense of accomplishment and renew a positive attitude for life and fulfillment.

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Content last revised 1998-11-12