From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook Nov 1998:
Why Do You Come?
from Metro Maryland; via South Brevard (FL)
- Our presence is encouragement to others.
- No matter how long ago your surgery, no matter how many meetings
you have attended, there's always information to be gained.
- Keep up on newer developments and hear the speakers who are invited
with information pertinent to ostomates.
- We may have questions and problems that can be asked and answered
at the meeting or researched.
- Give support and encouragement to the volunteers (leaders and
trained visitors) and to each other.
- Be role models for new ostomates to show an active life can
- See that many of those who were in trouble are now helping others.
- Learn what's new in management equipment.
- Feel good with our peer support group.
- Experience a sense of accomplishment and renew a positive attitude
for life and fulfillment.
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