A major function of all UOAA support groups is our volunteer visiting service, offered free of charge for patients and their families before and/or after surgery. UOAA visitors are trained and certified before they are allowed to make prearranged visits. Where possible, visitors are matched by age, sex, and type of ostomy with the patient being visited.
The aims of this program are:
If you are a physician and have a patient about to undergo ostomy surgery, or if you are about to undergo ostomy surgery yourself, please take advantage of this service. We have been through it, and know how much it helps to talk with an ostomate. To arrange for a visitor, call the support group Visiting Coordinator, as listed on the pages of individual groups linked to this site.
Visitor Training Sessions: To prepare members to visit patients, UOAA support groups have traditionally held training sessions at least once every two years. (But note: Traditional UOAA Visitor Training has been replaced by the new “Ostomy Friends” program developed by Rolf Benirschke’s organization in coordination with UOAA.)
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