[OstomyOK.org - An Alliance of Oklahoma Ostomy Support Groups]

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Ostomy Association of Oklahoma City

The Ostomy Association of Oklahoma City support group meetings are held the second Saturday of the odd numbered months from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. The meetings are held at:
    Victory Church
    4300 N MacArthur Blvd
    Oklahoma City, OK 73122 (see map)

Our chapter supports ostomates through hospital and phone visits and by supporting the Ostomy Closet, a place where people in need can get temporary help with supplies.

To donate supplies to the closet, please call Marvelle McKinzie LPN Wound/Ostomy Nurse (405) 476-0329 to make arrangements to have them picked up. You may take them to the Integris Free Clinic in Olivet Baptist Church, located at 1201 NW 10th, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 (see map). You may also make tax deductible cash donations to help purchase supplies for the closet.

If you need supplies from the closet, it is open the First Thursday of odd numbered months from 2–4 pm in the Integris Free Clinic in Olivet Baptist Church, located at 1201 NW 10th, Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Our Volunteer ostomy nurse Marvelle staffs the closet and gives supplies to those who need them to help them on a temporary basis.

We support the United Ostomy Associations of America and encourage people to use all the resources found on UOAA’s website www.ostomy.org – Frequently asked Questions, Care Guides, general ostomy information and the chat rooms. We also encourage people to subscribe to The Phoenix magazine published by UOAA.

Membership and Donations

To join the Ostomy Association of OKC, please send a check for $15 to: Sharon Hendricks, 11509 Condor Terrace, Oklahoma City, OK 73162. You will receive our newsletter from Suzanne Bellis by email or USPS. We would also encourage you to attend the support group meetings. Thank you for supporting our programs.

The Ostomy Association of Oklahoma City is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions are tax deductible.

Contact People

Ostomy Nurse:  Marvelle McKinzie LPN (405) 476-0329(Text for quickest Response)
President:  Suzanne Bellis (405) 831-4015 
Treasurer:  Sharon Hendricks (405) 255-0520 
Visiting Coordinator:  Barbara Shipley(405) 631-1293 
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This page last revised 2023-03-01

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